
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Ayurveda Stories

The ayurveda world

 Story No 1.
Poison or toxicity in the food has varied effect on the birds that are having the same. Whereas the Crow loses the pitch of its voice, Parrot and Mynah being to yell; the Goose loses its gait, the Cuckoo bird loses its pleasant tone, the Cock starts to scream and a bird having the name ‘Jeevjivak’ (which means life), tends to die at the very sight of poison. Similarly, some animals show distinct characteristics on eating the poisoned food. Whereas Moneys generally tend to immediately defecate, the Mongoose shows raised hair on its body and the Deer starts to cry. It is also interesting to note that the Peacock shows reverse reaction on eating poison. Whereas this bird would exhibit pleasant and joyful disposition, it is also exciting to know that when the Peacock looks at the poison, this reduces the effect of the poison.

Story No. 2
After completing of the meal, Vishrama (small nap or restis recommended in Ayurveda text. For this, at first 8 breaths need to be taken while lying on the back in supine position, then 16 breaths on the right side and thereafter 32 breaths are to be taken while lying on your left side. The logic behind this is that lying straight on the back for a longer time can cause regurgitation of the ingested food. It is therefore advised that only 8 breaths are sufficient in this position. Thereafter lying first on the right and then on the left side helps the food that is being digested to come in contact with the gastric juices and the gastric acid for proper digestion of the food. This information is mentioned in Ayurveda text describing Bhojanotar Karma, the accentuated ritual of diet and digestion. 

Story No. 3

The merits as well as demerits in Shastra( Weapon), Shaastra (Wisdom text) and Jala ( Water) are invariantly proportional to the Paatra (Container/Subject). This means that when a weapon is in the hands of a brave person, it provides victory and thus proves useful. Whereas when the same weapon lies in the hands of a timid man, it would cause harm and defeat for him. Similarly, the water lying in clean and clear container would provide with health benefits, and yet when the same water is stored in dirty container, it will cause disease. Thus is the influence of the wisdom text. When the knowledge text is read and understood by a wise person referred to as Supatra ( Eligible Subject), he would use the awareness for the betterment of one and all; whereas the same words of wisdom when read by a person with lesser intellect and understanding who is a Kupatra ( Incorrect Subject), would cause unwanted confusion and disorder.
Ayurveda conveys that Shaastra (Wisdom text) is like an earthen lamp which provides with the guiding light for enhancing the intelligence as well as the insight. And thus, when the physician is a true follower of the same, there are negligible chances that he could make a mistake in the treatment that he offers.

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