
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Health benefits of Meditation

Health benefits of Meditation
Most people think that meditation is for holy men and spiritual gurus. However, meditation Most people think that meditation is for holy men and spiritual gurus. However, meditation is not just a religious experience. You can say it is spiritual but it mainly a way to improve your health. There are several health benefits of meditation that you may not be aware of. Not only does it improve your emotional and mental health but benefits your physical health. This is obvious because you emotional health has a bearing on your physical fitness
Meditation for stress relief has become one of the health fads these days. Everyone seems to be meditating for weight loss, stress or anxiety disorder. It is important to learn how to meditate properly. Only if you do it the right way will you experience the health benefits of meditation. Otherwise, it will be an exercise in futility. This means you cannot be checking your phone for calls or emails every five minutes while you are meditating. You have to give yourself a break completely. Meditation for sleep and depression is a natural cure that is extremely effective.
Here are a few health benefits of meditation;
Stress Relief
Stress relief is one of the major benefits of meditation. Stress relief usually happens when you meditate and the stress hormones in your body are alleviated. However, you have to meditate in the right way.
Emotional Stability
Apart from lowering your blood pressure, meditation for depression is an effective cure. It helps to curb emotional instability. It also helps to keep suicidal and depressive thoughts away.
Lowers Blood Pressure
The best natural cure for high blood pressure is meditation. It increases your mind’s power control emotional ups and downs. That helps in a big way to keep your blood pressure under control.
Anger Management
Anger is bad for your health. When you are angry your neurons get damaged and you blood pressure rises. But you can manage anger if you meditate regularly.
Helps You Sleep
Stress interferes with our sleep very often these days. We are constantly woken at night and cannot go back to sleep. Meditation is the best natural medicine to treat disturbed sleep.
Improves Immunity
When you meditate on a regular basis, you improve the general immunity of your body. It is basically to do the fact that you breathe more deeply and get more oxygen.
Cures Respiratory Problems
When you meditate, you breathe slowly and steadily. This means you are inhaling more oxygen into your system which is very beneficial for people who have respiratory disorders.
Makes You Fertile
Your chances of being fertile are much more when you are relaxed. Especially for women, chances of conception increase when you meditate and stay stress-free.
Improves Your Memory
Meditation improves your concentration and focus.
Besides, stress is the primary cause of poor memory and short term memory loss. Thus, being relaxed and meditating regularly can help you improve your mental faculties. Show Thumbnail

Heals Muscle Cramps
Stress can also make your muscles cramp up painfully. Meditating can release the stress you are in and this will help you dissolve the muscle cramps.

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